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Location is the single most important factor in determining the value of your property.


Prospective buyers are going to compare your property both condition and price to other listings in and around your neighborhood. Buyers determine the value, based on properties that recently sold in the area.


Property values are affected by the current real estate market. The 3 first 30 days are key to selling your home, this is when the most activity occurs. I have a pricing/marketing strategy that maximizes those important first 30 days your property is on the market.


The condition of the property affects the price and the speed of the sale. First impressions are extremely important, buyers often make emotional purchase based on what they see. I promise to help optimize the physical appearance of your home to maximize the buyer’s perception of value.


Pricing your home properly from the beginning is of utmost importance. Pricing your home too high and dropping the price later is not a good idea. I prepare a comprehensive analysis to help determine the best price for your home.



The first impression is the only impression. It may seem counterintuitive to sink money into repairs before selling your house. If buyers see repairs are necessary at every turn, they’ll try to knock the price down significantly, or they may just walk away. Doing the work yourself ahead of time will likely reduce your home’s time on the market and increase its selling price.

Go to your home and make sure everything works as it should – from the small things like doorknobs and locks to bigger stuff like your garage door. Everything doesn’t have to be new for a home to be desirable to buyers, but all the functional aspects of the home should be in good working order to fetch the best price.

No matter how good the interior of your home looks, buyers have already judged your home before they walk through the door. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. It’s important to make people feel warm, welcome and safe as they approach the house. Spruce up your home’s exterior with inexpensive shrubs and brightly colored flowers.



Paint is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to update the look of your home before you list it. Lighter and neutral colors are preferred when selling because they tend to appeal to most people. You never know who will walk through the door to view the house, so it makes sense to keep the styling primary. If you have older wallpaper in your home, it is almost always a good idea to remove it as it can date a home.


Maximize the light in your home. After location, good light is the one thing that every buyer cites that they want in a home. Take down the drapes, clean the windows, change the lampshades, increase the wattage of your light bulbs and cut the bushes outside to let in sunshine. Do what you have to do make your house bright and cheery – it will make it more sellable.


Make some minor repairs that will make your kitchen appear more inviting. If the painting, lighting, and countertops all scream the 1970s, you can change all of these without too large of an investment. You can paint as necessary, install new fixtures and replace the countertops to something more appealing (granite and marble are not a requirement for an updated look). Also remove everything from your countertops, keeping only essentials.


Cutting down on clutter is one of the most important things you can do to prepare your home. Make piles of things to save, to donate, and to throw away. Be ruthless. You can sell items online or hold a garage/ estate sale, but keep in mind that you might be better off donating. As you remove clutter, pay particular attention to these areas in your home: furniture, entry, equipment, bookshelves, periodicals, photos, cables, plants, nightstands and closets.



Together we will determine the selling price of your home. This will be based on current comparable properties, condition, updates, location, market inventory and sales history for the area in the last several months.


are everything when selling your home. Studies have shown that the first two weeks on the market are the most crucial. This is especially true when it comes to pricing. During these initial days your home will be exposed to all active Buyers. If your price is perceived as outside of market, you will quickly lose this initial audience and find yourself relying only on a limited number of new Buyers entering the market each day.


In order to list your home, paperwork is signed by you, the Seller, and myself as your agent. I represent you exclusively for the sale of your home. I will thoroughly explain all paperwork.


Any minor repairs such as leaky faucet or sprucing up the outside for curb appeal should be addressed. Clean and de-clutter as much as possible. It also helps to think about what attracted you to your home when you bought it and highlight those features, chances are a Buyer will see the same features. Not sure what to address? No problem, I will walk through the house and let you know the main items.


provide a professional photographer to photograph your home. These photos will be on the<br /> Multi-List and online sites such as Zillow, and additional third-party websites. If needed we may have a home staging consultation to make sure your home is presented in the best possible light.


This is a service Realtors use to promote the home to thousands of Realtors in and out of the area. This information is syndicated to Zillow, and other online sites for all potential buyers to see thus giving your home maximum visibly.


We will discuss the best way for your home to be shown by Realtors with prospective buyers. The home will be registered with ShowingTime. ShowingTime will confirm every request for a showing to verify it is with a licensed Realtor. Then they will contact you to confirm. I am copied on every request. It is best to be out of the home during showings and the home should be clean and tidy.



When an offer(s) is submitted we will go over the following terms: price, occupancy, contingencIes, earnest money and financing. This is the first point of negotiations with the potential Buyer. We will discuss each offer in detail and proceed accordingly.


Once an offer is accepted, one of its' contingencies is an inspection. This must be done within the time frame specified on the Purchase Agreement. 7-10 days is a standard time frame. This means the Buyer has 7-10 days to have the inspection performed by a third-party professional. During this time frame the Buyer may also have a sewer inspection and radon testing.<br /> It is important to note that the Buyer’s due diligence is not limited to the physical inspection. During this period the Buyer may research items such as schools, public record items and taxes.


After the inspection period has been satisfied, the appraisal is going to be ordered by the Buyer’s lender. The appraiser is a third-party professional who will determine the value of the home. The appraisal report is the property of the potential Buyer. We will be notified of the results as soon as they are available. If the appraisal comes in at the price of the offer we will move forward.


What happens if the value does not meet the purchase price? If no errors or inconsistencies are found in the appraisal the Buyer has the right to renegotiate the terms with the Seller and come to an agreement of terms. If no agreement can be reached, the Buyer reserves the right to cancel and their earnest money will be returned.


Once the Buyer’s lender has cleared all the conditions of the underwriter, the Buyer will receive the clear to close which means we can schedule the closing. The Buyer must receive and acknowledge the closing disclosure (CD) at least 3 days prior to closing for the closing to be able to occur.


The Buyer will conduct a final walk-through of the home 24-48 hours prior to closing to ensure the home is still in good standing. Please make sure the key and the lock box are still accessible and on the door. The home should be clean and free of debris.


Notify the electric and gas companies of your closing date and request that the final read be<br /> completed. Please make sure you do not turn off the utilities as the Buyer will contact them separately and transfer the utilities into their name.


You do not need to call to schedule the final water read as this is a lienable item. I will call and schedule on your behalf. There will be money held in escrow, between $300-500 used by the title company to pay for the final water bill once it is received. Any overage will be refunded to you.


You will receive a copy of the final closing documents prior to the actual closing. This will give you and I an opportunity to review the paperwork for any clerical errors or mistakes. Please make sure you have your driver’s license (or photo ID) and any other documentation deemed necessary by the title company.



  • The closing process finalizes the sale of your home and makes it official. Also known as the settlement, the closing is when the seller gets paid, and the buyer receives the deed to their new home.
  • Closing documents will have been received for review prior to sitting down at the closing table.
  • Purchase agreements have been reviewed, title is clear and the mortgage documents have all been processed.
  • We aim for no surprises. Money due will be distributed at this time.


Make sure to bring your Driver’s License or Picture ID, house keys, garage door openers and anything you feel would be helpful for the new buyer (any household manuals or maintenance records).


Sellers Commonly Pay these Fees: Mortgage balance, any unpaid property taxes or other fees still due, any unpaid special assessments on your property, real estate commission, any broker fees and title Fees.

Buyers Commonly Pay these Fees: Loan fees, down payment, prorated taxes, 1 year of homeowners insurance, and title insurance.


Make sure to keep copies of all closing documents and all home improvement receipts.


My clients are clients for life, and I will continue to deliver services to you long after your home is sold. Call me anytime, I am a great resource long after the sale is complete.

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